Keep up with the latest events and Spike's Pack activity.

Cruisin for Canines
February 22, 2025
Time to hop in the Jeep, motorcycle or car and ride for a cause! A family-friendly event catered to raising money for protective vests for life-saving dogs with Spike's K9 Fund!

March 15-16, 2025
Luck of the K9! In case you missed out in 2024 - save the date for 2025! Ashley Horner and Spike's K9 Fund are teaming up again for a good cause! Support Ashley as she rows for 25 hours AGAIN to raise awareness and money for the working dogs that keep our communities safe! There are an estimated 25,000 working dogs working on behalf of humans in the United States, and we want to help all of them. So, why not start with rowing 25 hours to raise awareness for them? Show your support by sharing, registering to row, or donating for the dogs. All proceeds will provide protection for working dogs across the Country and deployed.

April 10, 2025
Come join us for Iron Dog 2025! This event, hosted by USPCA Region 3, is sure to be a great time for the dogs all while raising funds for the dogs! A three-mile, off-the-grid obstacle course designed for K9s and their handlers to include mud pits, hill climbs, water crossings, shooting, apprehension, detection, and more! For LEO & MWD handlers only. All proceeds go to help provide ballistic vests, medical cost assistance, and specialized training to K9 teams across the country through Spike's K9 Fund.

April 10, 2025
Come join us for Iron Dog 2025! This event, hosted by USPCA Region 3, is sure to be a great time for the dogs all while raising funds for the dogs! A three-mile, off-the-grid obstacle course designed for K9s and their handlers to include mud pits, hill climbs, water crossings, shooting, apprehension, detection, and more! For LEO & MWD handlers only. All proceeds go to help provide ballistic vests, medical cost assistance, and specialized training to K9 teams across the country through Spike's K9 Fund.