Seven Seas Roasting Co. Special Spike's Roast Coffee
Sold Out $ 16.00
Flavor Profile: Milk Chocolate, caramel, nouget, sweet berry
Roast Profile: Medium-Dark
Attitude:Get the job done right
We don’t want any dogs to die. Ever. If we had it our way, dogs would live forever and our alarm clocks would be doggie slobber kisses. Dogs rule — now, that’s a scientific fact.
But every day, K9s wake up eager to save the life of their partner, even if that means taking a bullet.
So, let’s save a dog’s life, shall we?
Introducing Spike’s Roast: a dark and fiery roast that packs the power of a K9’s bite.
Seven Seas Roasting Company is graciously donating 100% of all proceeds to Spikes to help protect these K9's with the equipment and help they need to keep them safe! We're currently out of stock, but head to their website and purchase some Spike's Roast now!